Saturday, July 21, 2007


well yesterday i had my first mun stay back , it was pretty much shit, not bec'z i was seeing blank faces which weren't a good view to see, but bec'z the powers wested in the hands of the wrong people. well somewhere in my mind i know that my school is pritty shit, everyone arnd me plays politics and although it's not going to help them in the long run but i feel bad abt it. the deserving people don't get the right appointments and the non deserving do. but as i know a lot of people have been viewing my blog lately, i won't be saying much abt it. anyways, lets talk abt the stay back, miss sanjana or rather i may put it as miss. whore is a complete shit, she tries to explain the rules and procedures in 10 min and that also while she's reading everything from a copy which is pretty much shit. the whore even called her so called ex- boyfriend to the judge the people. how dumb??
anyways lets just exclude the whore part over here and talk abt the stay back, in all it was a complete shit,, half of the people had no clue abt the rules and rest half were sleeping. i guess till now the person who has being able to explain the rules in the best possible way is kartik, all the rst have been just jerks..what else?? i guess thats enough for the day , i need to go for tuitions now. and ya organic is one thing which can fuck u'r ass pretty hard. chao chao!!!

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