Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the ankstein theory

today a day which will probably be preached by me as a day almost close to death is one in which u get all u'r papers',u claim to do mun( which includes getting weird looks from hemantika and aanya) although u don't do the stupid stay back and u even try to save u'r self from getting run over by a bike....
but amidst all this u form one theory which probably is one situation in my life where everything around me froze, i mean everything ,, as if i had discovered the true meaning of living.,,,,,,so here i present to u my great theory.......
" i had rs.50 in my pocket, which was more than enough for me to take an auto from my tuitions to my house,but today was different, i wanted to take a bus. i was so depressed that i didn't even notice that it was 6 and i would be experiencing a full packed bus where sweat is the only thing u will be able to smell, but i was ignorant today.
i went to the bus stop and then waited waited.. and then came the moment,where i compared everything around me to my life,, i had the money but i thought to take a bus( the hard path which i had choosen), i knew i could have just taken the auto(stanford) but it was too easy, i had to do nothing plus the ride would be great. no pains no sorrows,, but i preferred to take the bus(dcE) i knew i would need patience,probably i would have to wait longer than i had imagined.
And the bus came and right behind it was an empty auto, but today i choose the bus. as it came near the bus stop everyone wanted to get into it, i meant everyone( from VMC regulars, to people who had done everything one there own) .
As i got in i realized the sweat i had thought abt was not smelly, i was hanging on a rod and i knew i had to hold it tight to just stay there( i will have to do hardwork) , but today it felt better than the scooter ride, it was like knowing that i could survive in the hardest situations.
and then came my stop, i got off and realized that it wasn't the journey which was tough but how tough i became in the journey which really mattered....

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