Wednesday, July 25, 2007

kalam leaves

probably the best politician or the best president i've seen in my whole life is mr.kalam. he's one man who deserved to be the president and he is the only one who should be honored as one. after hitler their are very few people whom i have respected and one of them on that list is Dr.kalam. why do i say so? well hear this, this is some thing i just got to know from the news channels, while being the president of India he was once visited by the people of his village. around 10 to 12 of them. mr.kalam during their whole visit did not use the governments money even once. the office of rashtrapti bhawan was asked to maintain the budget, and mr, kalam paid all the spendings from his pocket. he moved out of the presidents house with half the things he had got. Imagine a president doing this. plus, he doesn't even get a house of an ex-president. he stays in the house of an army officer, how disrespectful is that..
not just these things but the ability to speak against what is wrong is what makes me honor him. he sent the office of profit bill back, which was the most offend able bill passed by any party, he declined to sign it, and thats exactly what makes him so deserving. not only this but during his 5 year session, i wrote the president 3 letters in all, and guess what, i got a reply for all. i think he is the best man this country can ever have,,,
and i salute him...

Saturday, July 21, 2007


well yesterday i had my first mun stay back , it was pretty much shit, not bec'z i was seeing blank faces which weren't a good view to see, but bec'z the powers wested in the hands of the wrong people. well somewhere in my mind i know that my school is pritty shit, everyone arnd me plays politics and although it's not going to help them in the long run but i feel bad abt it. the deserving people don't get the right appointments and the non deserving do. but as i know a lot of people have been viewing my blog lately, i won't be saying much abt it. anyways, lets talk abt the stay back, miss sanjana or rather i may put it as miss. whore is a complete shit, she tries to explain the rules and procedures in 10 min and that also while she's reading everything from a copy which is pretty much shit. the whore even called her so called ex- boyfriend to the judge the people. how dumb??
anyways lets just exclude the whore part over here and talk abt the stay back, in all it was a complete shit,, half of the people had no clue abt the rules and rest half were sleeping. i guess till now the person who has being able to explain the rules in the best possible way is kartik, all the rst have been just jerks..what else?? i guess thats enough for the day , i need to go for tuitions now. and ya organic is one thing which can fuck u'r ass pretty hard. chao chao!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the ankstein theory

today a day which will probably be preached by me as a day almost close to death is one in which u get all u'r papers',u claim to do mun( which includes getting weird looks from hemantika and aanya) although u don't do the stupid stay back and u even try to save u'r self from getting run over by a bike....
but amidst all this u form one theory which probably is one situation in my life where everything around me froze, i mean everything ,, as if i had discovered the true meaning of living.,,,,,,so here i present to u my great theory.......
" i had rs.50 in my pocket, which was more than enough for me to take an auto from my tuitions to my house,but today was different, i wanted to take a bus. i was so depressed that i didn't even notice that it was 6 and i would be experiencing a full packed bus where sweat is the only thing u will be able to smell, but i was ignorant today.
i went to the bus stop and then waited waited.. and then came the moment,where i compared everything around me to my life,, i had the money but i thought to take a bus( the hard path which i had choosen), i knew i could have just taken the auto(stanford) but it was too easy, i had to do nothing plus the ride would be great. no pains no sorrows,, but i preferred to take the bus(dcE) i knew i would need patience,probably i would have to wait longer than i had imagined.
And the bus came and right behind it was an empty auto, but today i choose the bus. as it came near the bus stop everyone wanted to get into it, i meant everyone( from VMC regulars, to people who had done everything one there own) .
As i got in i realized the sweat i had thought abt was not smelly, i was hanging on a rod and i knew i had to hold it tight to just stay there( i will have to do hardwork) , but today it felt better than the scooter ride, it was like knowing that i could survive in the hardest situations.
and then came my stop, i got off and realized that it wasn't the journey which was tough but how tough i became in the journey which really mattered....