Friday, September 14, 2007

my bet!!

finally i'm blogging again...

anyways life has being quite interesting these days,with the exams coming up and a quite a lot of things happening i don't know how the future of everything i'm doing would look but i hope that it's good.
well i've taken hindi commitee, and as expected some reacted with a eyuuuu!!! and some said i love u anku , but i know that whatever i've done is right. i want to help the people who are going to lead india and not the ones who are go'no just deprive india of it's assets and forget abt it...

and in the mean time there were things like teachers day video, which was an awesome experience except for the ending of it, which i'm not willing to talk abt. then there was e-lite which i'm not willing to talk abt either. well most of the events of exun are know being shadowed by an undeserving and an unwanted character. i already knew that this was go'no come bec'z it's becoming like indian politics where a person who has no knowledge abt avaition is actually made the avaition minister and so on...

but finally my bet for INMUN is ready. i'm ready to bet on the people who are going to win in INUM, so all those who are going here are the names,,
rohan & the twin( sorry forgot her name)

yup and don't expect them to get the overall trophy bec'z if it does happen then it'll be a mistake.......

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

independece with a suprice for me !!

well on Tuesday night i was celebrating my moms birthday, but then after 11 p.m. i went back to my room and lay down for abt half an hour after which i began writing my last 7 pages of linux hacking . finally after 9 months and 18 days,,,,i have now finished my book.. 312 word pages thats the count and i don't think i can write anymore...

but now i need a title and a publisher.. at three in the night i was thinking abt the titles, i thought lets keep it as NYNO but that would be pritty shit +its not what i initailly wanted .so i'm open to titles. and this time i'm going to see my comments( so hemantika u can comment) ..
i need editors some real good ones, first i thought lets go to schona she'll edit it + i get a good impression on her but then i thought how would she even understand all this. then i thought lets get it edited by fadia, so i wrote a mail to him, but no reply yet( although it's just the morning).so i'm looking for editors also. someone told me the publishers sometimes find the editors on their own, i have no clue abt this procedure so i was thinking abt contacting aanyas dad, heard he's a writer.but anyways the point is i have finally finished it!!!!
And ya the irony is i finished it on independence day( 2:30 in the morning) pretty cool na...

P.S. : happy independence DAY

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

kalam leaves

probably the best politician or the best president i've seen in my whole life is mr.kalam. he's one man who deserved to be the president and he is the only one who should be honored as one. after hitler their are very few people whom i have respected and one of them on that list is Dr.kalam. why do i say so? well hear this, this is some thing i just got to know from the news channels, while being the president of India he was once visited by the people of his village. around 10 to 12 of them. mr.kalam during their whole visit did not use the governments money even once. the office of rashtrapti bhawan was asked to maintain the budget, and mr, kalam paid all the spendings from his pocket. he moved out of the presidents house with half the things he had got. Imagine a president doing this. plus, he doesn't even get a house of an ex-president. he stays in the house of an army officer, how disrespectful is that..
not just these things but the ability to speak against what is wrong is what makes me honor him. he sent the office of profit bill back, which was the most offend able bill passed by any party, he declined to sign it, and thats exactly what makes him so deserving. not only this but during his 5 year session, i wrote the president 3 letters in all, and guess what, i got a reply for all. i think he is the best man this country can ever have,,,
and i salute him...

Saturday, July 21, 2007


well yesterday i had my first mun stay back , it was pretty much shit, not bec'z i was seeing blank faces which weren't a good view to see, but bec'z the powers wested in the hands of the wrong people. well somewhere in my mind i know that my school is pritty shit, everyone arnd me plays politics and although it's not going to help them in the long run but i feel bad abt it. the deserving people don't get the right appointments and the non deserving do. but as i know a lot of people have been viewing my blog lately, i won't be saying much abt it. anyways, lets talk abt the stay back, miss sanjana or rather i may put it as miss. whore is a complete shit, she tries to explain the rules and procedures in 10 min and that also while she's reading everything from a copy which is pretty much shit. the whore even called her so called ex- boyfriend to the judge the people. how dumb??
anyways lets just exclude the whore part over here and talk abt the stay back, in all it was a complete shit,, half of the people had no clue abt the rules and rest half were sleeping. i guess till now the person who has being able to explain the rules in the best possible way is kartik, all the rst have been just jerks..what else?? i guess thats enough for the day , i need to go for tuitions now. and ya organic is one thing which can fuck u'r ass pretty hard. chao chao!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the ankstein theory

today a day which will probably be preached by me as a day almost close to death is one in which u get all u'r papers',u claim to do mun( which includes getting weird looks from hemantika and aanya) although u don't do the stupid stay back and u even try to save u'r self from getting run over by a bike....
but amidst all this u form one theory which probably is one situation in my life where everything around me froze, i mean everything ,, as if i had discovered the true meaning of living.,,,,,,so here i present to u my great theory.......
" i had rs.50 in my pocket, which was more than enough for me to take an auto from my tuitions to my house,but today was different, i wanted to take a bus. i was so depressed that i didn't even notice that it was 6 and i would be experiencing a full packed bus where sweat is the only thing u will be able to smell, but i was ignorant today.
i went to the bus stop and then waited waited.. and then came the moment,where i compared everything around me to my life,, i had the money but i thought to take a bus( the hard path which i had choosen), i knew i could have just taken the auto(stanford) but it was too easy, i had to do nothing plus the ride would be great. no pains no sorrows,, but i preferred to take the bus(dcE) i knew i would need patience,probably i would have to wait longer than i had imagined.
And the bus came and right behind it was an empty auto, but today i choose the bus. as it came near the bus stop everyone wanted to get into it, i meant everyone( from VMC regulars, to people who had done everything one there own) .
As i got in i realized the sweat i had thought abt was not smelly, i was hanging on a rod and i knew i had to hold it tight to just stay there( i will have to do hardwork) , but today it felt better than the scooter ride, it was like knowing that i could survive in the hardest situations.
and then came my stop, i got off and realized that it wasn't the journey which was tough but how tough i became in the journey which really mattered....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the best effect ever created

this photo was clicked by my cousin but the effect was added by's got three crows looking in three different directions...
it's the best picture effect ever created by me ..quite cool na...
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Almost mac!!!!

this is the new layout of my p.c.!!!

i forgive

i forgive my parents for not being their when i needed them;;
i forgive my bua for secluding me from the rest of my family;;
i forgive these crazy cousins of mine who don't allow me to study;;
i forgive god because he took away everything i liked;;
i forgive this world for it to introduce a term such as democracy;;
i forgive this world to allow u.s.a to rule;;

but i hope all this forgiveness does not make forgive what i need to achieve....

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007

here's my resignation..

ta-mun,, i just gave a resignation..thats bbye to ta-mun and gth(go to hell)..

anyways the days have been ending and starting,i've started loosing the sense to differentiate between night and morning. i just gave the shitty ASC test, although i expect a full in physics but never know u might loose them anywhere. but the funny part was i didn't sleep for the aggarwal test to. although the course is huge but probably my inability to sleep at nights anymore is what was the reason.

one really touchy thing happened, as i was driving(ya me driving in the morning with a JAT driver supervising me) i came to this red-light of chirag delhi. i put the car on neutral and then looked on the left side. there were 4 jhopadiya( the one's so small that everything inside it was visible) i looked at the way they were living and as if time froze, i just kept looking at the extreme poverty they were suffering from, the way they lived, everyone say them everyday but no one did anything tio help them, they had no clothes no food, dirty smell of fuel and garbage around them....

and then i said to myself " and i was thinking about leaving this country"

Sunday, May 27, 2007

ankit unleashed

after 48 hours of no sleep i finally slept for about 6 hours. but don't worry the fire has not gone of after one nap. but trust me now i know what studying actually means.
the only thing entertaining i find now is dragon ball-z. although they are the same old episodes but probably my probability to predict to what is next, where probability is 1, is what makes is entertaining. anyways one more funny thing is akshay's poem's although i just read 2-3 but man this guy is seriously in love.. but forget it.. i don't have time for all this crap now...

Friday, May 25, 2007

destiny decided

finally, i know the truth,,,

the world says its like being crazy but now it's true..i know it's impossible but i will achieve it..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"two alexander's loose one battle!!!"

sounds amazing doesn't it....
it's the name of the new chapter which is being currently being worked on by me
i just thought of all of this while i was jogging. and yes people will derive everything by just seeing the topic....

Friday, May 11, 2007

"will wallty i promise,,,i don't wanna be old but till highs are not a home,,,
i don;t wanna be old, ,,........
until divine me anything i want.."
i need a place, where lonely angels sing u asleep,,,,
i need a place,, where i can made my bed,,,
bec'z now the moon is spinning,,,,
the day is beginning...

someday i'll be someone,, that was me some years ago,,,i'll be someone this year,, that was me an year ago.. and i wish to be some one,,that is me all alone...
the world is how u see it, sometimes u start liking what you should hate and sometimes u start facing what u should avoid..but today i feel as if i am back to what i was years ago..i person who has discovered little abt himself.. a person who is rising above to form his new rules,,mesmerized with thoughts,, uneasy on making decisions,,,but truly unimaginable and truly ANKIT...

Monday, March 19, 2007

the famous nursery pic!!

guys and girls,,ladies and gentleman after years of thinking i have finally scanned it and i present before u,,,,my NURSERY class........................
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this is the right side of the picture and ya u can see me, avani and shubhajit all together.....
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now this is the left side of the pic and i can see aditya puri,,saurabh,,pritika lal,karan sharma(right their on the top) and ya shorya shankar roy bhawan(thats one name),,the rest who find themselves, plz leave a message in the comment..
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look carefully and u'll find a bio student and ya mr.karan sharma's biggest suhani bahl and gunjan in the same photo....
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this is mr.abhijit..ya i'm not kidding he's dressed up in bengali lag raha hai..
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the so called debating competition

well here's one hell of a debate.................
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well well well who do we see here, oh it's miss.shubhi( wo aiee niee), she looks the same(still 30 from u know where) and ya i even see surabhi bahl(although i care a damn abt her) and then their is mr.yash who's face is not visible....
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this is right side of the photo with yes as usual miss.avani and the girl next to her is neetika(i hope i have spelled it right akshay).........
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debating competition

now this is the left side of the photo, if u notice carefully then the guys in the blue scarf is rishi and the girl jumping out of her seat(as usual) is miss.sanjana...
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

china--wo aiee niii!!!!!!

I sit alone and wonder what I did in the china trip and then I flash my memories back to see what I did and how it was….

Day1- I did all the packing in a rush and to do this packing I did shopping for abt 3-4 hours that’s more than the last record I had. Finally I reach home and then see what I need to search abt, I give a call to aanya and try to find out what all we are left to research about…..
It’s late night and I am running to the airport, my whole family is assiting me to the airport,, mind u it was not to say bbye to me but they had to go to a party after that. This party was of my my nephew whom I didn’t even know about till the day before his party.. so I was glad that I was not going to his party…
I reach the airport and see aanya in her usual bonny skull and clothes.. hemantika and shubhi soo find us,, and for the first time in my life I find bopu running. Not because she had lost something but she had forgotten to say good bye to her husband(now that’s love!!)
So finally we enter the airport and find mr.vipul waiting like a raped victim in one corner of the airport trying to find a policeman to register his complaint. Anyways I got my unlucky bag packed bec’z my father had warned me abt the bag and asked me to get packed in the special plastic.
But anyways lets go a bit faster,, this story is going to slow,, me and aanya banged their heads together trying to figure out how to save Sundan’s ass. We came up with brilliant points but it was soon to be found out that all that effort was useless.
I’m skipping the Bangkok airport part bec’z while going we had no majpr fun at that airport..
We then reach china and are greeted by this head of hindi department “anurag”(ya this chinni had a hindi name),although the Chinese chick was hot but I never got a chance to ask her name. So we reach the hotel and are greeted in the same way in which a foreigner would be greeted if he goes to chandni chowk. So we forget all the crap and go to our rooms,,aanya and me work till late night trying to give the last minute touches.

Day2—we reach the hall early and for the first time in the history of ankit srivastava’s life he attends an opening ceremony. The crappy opening ceremony is so sucky that I move out and me and aanya decide to go and see our room. We go in the room and find ourselves without a placard, but we had sit in the last sit, which was kind of expected bec’z we were observers. The conference starts and we are amazed by the way these people get their personal cards printed, although we failed to understand even one of them as all of them were in Chinese, but we just show some diplomatic behavior and accept them with a smile. The meeting starts and we soon find out that these guys don’t like to talk much in the room,, they just lllllooooooveeeeeee un-moderated caucuses. But who cares,bec’z we were creating stuff like hell. I even forced U.K. to write a draft paper even though sudan is not allowed to do so.
Anyways lets end the crap part, from the conference we are taken to this traditional Chinese place to have dinner and the food was yukkkkkyy.
Chinese don’t know how to cook food.
So lets get down to the night part which is the most interesting one, we reach back to the hotel and tell it plainly to bopu to not expect much as the delegates didn’t like us. But here’s the good part then we talk abt girl and guy stuff, now please don’t ask me what I’m trying to say bec’z it’s impossible to explain. But then the pillow fight was amazing I just loved it, hope we fight again like that guys(bhushoom bhushoom,u 2 week,u mastu……… bastard…..u making out with madh……,,,,bla blaaaa)
And then there’s a knock on the door and guess who’s it?-oh it’s bopu..
And then all me and vipul heard after that was bop laughing..but then we slept.

Day3--- cont….