Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stack the Stock

Apart from having a wonderful stock investment time in the past few weeks, life has been pretty hectic.

TRYING to manage a URA, pretty desperately. But I think I should give it up now, I'm not really doing much justice to it now.

Also, I think I'm going to stop drinking now and completely concentrate on building a better body, since I know I will be on study term for the next 8 months....blurrrrpp.....(time to chug

Friday, August 19, 2011

dnt know

I don't know how to express this or how to begin, so i'm going to start from where I think is the right place. 3 out of the 5 marks are out and from the looks of it i might just fail the term. If i do, i would have run out of options.
I had faith but right now it seems lost. Looking back, I don't know what to say to myself, I worked very hard after mid-terms, i was pretty un-stable before them. But that doesn't mean I did not try to do well before.
I am confused, I know I can not ask for more money, and I know I will be too shattered to continue, and I don't know if I have any hope left to continue.
I want this post to be their for me, for me to look at myself, if I survive.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Forever Young

past few weeks have not been that pleasant. But i think writing this to you, will give a closure to all these problems. Even though things don't look to get better before 25th June, but i think, it's not the date which pre-empts my thoughts but rather my thoughts and the creativeness which i will display in this upcoming week that will change things.

I miss the giant and feel sorry for him. Things never really turn out to be how u thing they will, and because of which i sit hear listening to forever young, the last song which was played at the giants funeral. But then I think if ever i will make a change in this world and would being young forever or living forever would change anything.

And then i look at such pictures, and remind my self what i wanted to do and why i wanted to change India. And why i have a dream and why i wish to full fill it.