Friday, March 12, 2010

The Dream --I just wanted this to be a memory-- thats why i'm posting it..

I have this dream which I can right about only while i close my eyes and type in this mystified fashion, but it has to be done, if i want to tell you about it .

I see this boy reaching for the edge of top of my house. This edge is between my house and my neighbor's house. Till now i've been able to decipher each detail of the dream, except for the emotions on the face of the person in the dream. .I sometimes see my face but then i wake up and convince my self that it's not me.

The person goes to the edge of the roof and them breaths, breaths all the air his lungs can absorb. He lets everything flow through his head, all emotions all feelings and then turns his back and falls. falls freely, without caring about the world , without caring what the world thinks about him, without caring about anything. he makes one summer-salt and then he puts his feet towards the ground and just when his toe touches the ground , the ground rises like a peak, the peak shaped ground lifts him up in the air again, but the peak only touches his toe, while balancing him like a balllet dancer. And then the wind blows and far in the pacific ocean, the water swirls up and rises up in a vague manner , it's almost like a water cyclone, it rises and stretches out and reaches the person, near the house. but it only touches the tip of his finger, it touches him as if transferring all the energy of the water through his fingers, and then the wind swirls up too, as if the element wants and feels it's obligation to follow the others. It swirls and touches the left hand of the person. Then the sun feels his need to follow and sends a heat wave or a solar swirl all the way, which reaches the earth and makes his obligations and connects with the person and makes the person to open his mouth and the person breaths it, it's an inspirational scene a perceptional mating of the four elements. far beyond the imagination of human kind. And then it's as if a connection is made. A meaning, an aim of existence is found.

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