Sunday, March 18, 2007

china--wo aiee niii!!!!!!

I sit alone and wonder what I did in the china trip and then I flash my memories back to see what I did and how it was….

Day1- I did all the packing in a rush and to do this packing I did shopping for abt 3-4 hours that’s more than the last record I had. Finally I reach home and then see what I need to search abt, I give a call to aanya and try to find out what all we are left to research about…..
It’s late night and I am running to the airport, my whole family is assiting me to the airport,, mind u it was not to say bbye to me but they had to go to a party after that. This party was of my my nephew whom I didn’t even know about till the day before his party.. so I was glad that I was not going to his party…
I reach the airport and see aanya in her usual bonny skull and clothes.. hemantika and shubhi soo find us,, and for the first time in my life I find bopu running. Not because she had lost something but she had forgotten to say good bye to her husband(now that’s love!!)
So finally we enter the airport and find mr.vipul waiting like a raped victim in one corner of the airport trying to find a policeman to register his complaint. Anyways I got my unlucky bag packed bec’z my father had warned me abt the bag and asked me to get packed in the special plastic.
But anyways lets go a bit faster,, this story is going to slow,, me and aanya banged their heads together trying to figure out how to save Sundan’s ass. We came up with brilliant points but it was soon to be found out that all that effort was useless.
I’m skipping the Bangkok airport part bec’z while going we had no majpr fun at that airport..
We then reach china and are greeted by this head of hindi department “anurag”(ya this chinni had a hindi name),although the Chinese chick was hot but I never got a chance to ask her name. So we reach the hotel and are greeted in the same way in which a foreigner would be greeted if he goes to chandni chowk. So we forget all the crap and go to our rooms,,aanya and me work till late night trying to give the last minute touches.

Day2—we reach the hall early and for the first time in the history of ankit srivastava’s life he attends an opening ceremony. The crappy opening ceremony is so sucky that I move out and me and aanya decide to go and see our room. We go in the room and find ourselves without a placard, but we had sit in the last sit, which was kind of expected bec’z we were observers. The conference starts and we are amazed by the way these people get their personal cards printed, although we failed to understand even one of them as all of them were in Chinese, but we just show some diplomatic behavior and accept them with a smile. The meeting starts and we soon find out that these guys don’t like to talk much in the room,, they just lllllooooooveeeeeee un-moderated caucuses. But who cares,bec’z we were creating stuff like hell. I even forced U.K. to write a draft paper even though sudan is not allowed to do so.
Anyways lets end the crap part, from the conference we are taken to this traditional Chinese place to have dinner and the food was yukkkkkyy.
Chinese don’t know how to cook food.
So lets get down to the night part which is the most interesting one, we reach back to the hotel and tell it plainly to bopu to not expect much as the delegates didn’t like us. But here’s the good part then we talk abt girl and guy stuff, now please don’t ask me what I’m trying to say bec’z it’s impossible to explain. But then the pillow fight was amazing I just loved it, hope we fight again like that guys(bhushoom bhushoom,u 2 week,u mastu……… bastard…..u making out with madh……,,,,bla blaaaa)
And then there’s a knock on the door and guess who’s it?-oh it’s bopu..
And then all me and vipul heard after that was bop laughing..but then we slept.

Day3--- cont….


Hemantika Verma said...

anku...waitin fr da continuation!!!

Abhi said...

ankuuuuuuuu....there was a lotta repetition in ur post....then me n aanya, so aanya n me, then aanya n me.....baaki so rahe they kya...wats cookin doc?