Thursday, October 19, 2006

Back again!!!

so i return back to this section of create post which i had been avoiding for an year now, it's just that i had developed a feeling in me which said that blogging was shit. i felt that what reason was it to write a post for the world to read it when none of them could do anything abt it.but now i write again, not with a feeling that the world should read what i write but just to spit out all the shitty things that i had developed inside me...

"life is like a box of chocolates, u never know whats inside it!!"

this week i was confused with ques. which i thought that i had dealt with a long time ago.i thought that the desicion which i had taken was right and was not going to deviate from it.but its the path which i have taken makes me re-think abt it.i lacked whats known as concentration during these exams. it's a focussed mind which i didn't have.people say that u get opportunites when u least expect them and that's exactly what happened with me.i grabbed these oppotunites when got them but a win in them is what deviated me from my real and more important goal"getting marks".it's in-mun what i'm talking abt.
although things happen when u least expect them to happen but which life gives u at each turning point is what was difficult to get away with.last night i was awake till 5:00 in the morning(it's just that i had slept a lot in the evening) and was wondering where i will be after 2 year's. i had always known that i was different.. i was born to do different things.. i was born to influence people...i was born to make it big..
but yesterday i thought wheather i was going to live a life which i had always dreamt of or would just be a simple man whose exsistence does not effect the world.
but now i have decided it, i will face the bumpers which are haunting my life and this time with greater force and energy.i know i had not given my THE BEst in these exams, therefore feb. is what i should prepare myself for. i know that getting into stanford in the computer engineering course is my dream and acheiving is what i should work towards.i know that life wouldn't give me second chance and my failure is what i'm going to regret for the reat of my now i will fight back with greater force and energy and try to concentrate of what i have choosen for.i hope that my matrix dream is what i'm able to live upto.....



Shubhi said...

o god sure u didnt do that badly... n plz remember u won BEST DELEGATE!
seriously you need to take things easy....
bt neways good post and that quote is from forest gump rite?

Estel said...

I thought u were of the "fauji" sort! If that is so , u dv8 soldier! But ofcourse u are the god of your own destiny... stanford u want so shud it be! I guess, u are very much deserving of it...!!! Best of Luck!