Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Google Hacking

In this post I would like to talk to you about something which almost all of us use everyday for searching “google”. Well there exists a term known as google hacking. It’s not connected to getting into the google server but using google to execute malicious codes which give hackers or crackers important information is known as google hacking. A person known as jonny(http://johnny.ihackstuff.com) has written a whole book on it.I would just like to show that how easy it is to use google to get into security cameras around the globe.Well all u got to do is google this1)“view/view.shtml”2)“MOBOTIX M1” (the good results for this research would start from 9th or 10th page)3)“MOBOTIX M10”by doing so u would see all open security cameras on the internet and u can access them without even using a password. Well if u browse through all the searches then u would not only be able get into casinos of las vegas but also into marine school of united states, some other universities and not to forget kennedy airport. So now can u see how easy it is to break some security barriers. For a complete list of open security cameras arranged according to the country they belong to go to http://www.griffid.com/?page=livecams.To know more google hacks go to jonny’s page http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/ or buy his book "google hacking".Ankit srivastava